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We Still Like: The Magazine Launch Party
Because we still like an excuse to celebrate!

Wednesday, October 14
7 p.m.
Space Gallery
1141 Polk St, SF

Attention Disaffected Hipsters, Art-School-Types and Everyone Else: Your new favorite publication has arrived! Obviously this calls for a party!

Decidedly not another snooty literary magazine, We Still Like is a collaboration-in-print operating on the simple-but-radical premise that we won't wait for permission from cultural gatekeepers to put what we create into the world, that writing should not be used as an empty signifier to establish elitist cred and that art can engage real people and real ideas about our real lives (Really!). Despite the cynicism born from headlines and hipsterdom, we still like sincerity. Despite the digital deluge, we still like books — so we've solicited the work of 15 talented writers and artists just like yourself to create the first issue of We Still Like, a manifesto-themed collection of prose, poetry, reviews, rants and raves.

We Still Like: Manifesto Destiny makes its debut with a party and reading at Space Gallery on Wednesday, October 14.

Literary superheros Vinh Truong, Zulema Summerfield, Chris Pedler, Tupelo Hassman, Rick D'elia and Sarah Ciston will read from their work featured in the issue, plus debut new writing for the auspicious occasion.

Join us for a raucous evening of soapbox-style pontificating, manifesto-ing, and poem-ing, then take a test drive in the patented Hyperbolic Chamber, outfitted to encourage all your grandiose statements and wildest dreams, courtesy of Bradford Earle.

A suggested donation gets you admission AND a numbered edition of the handmade issue (while supplies last). But, don't worry, we still like you and won't turn anyone away (for lack of funds, though we might turn away republicans).

Readings start promptly at 7:30, but the drinking starts promptly at 7. Help us to support Space Gallery by arriving early and thirsty!

Spontaneous rants encouraged.
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