That was the sound of our motivation hitting rock bottom as we go into hibernation mode for the winter. We could blame the freakishly-un-Californian cold weather or the semester petering out, but Gravity, we're looking at you. We had such high hopes for you, and there you go again, bringing us down. Thanks Gravity, thanks a lot.
But let's not be too hard on the ole chap. Gravity will bring us back around, just like it does planets! Even if you haven't started on your project, or it doesn't have quite the... gravitas... you were hoping for, take heart. If you haven't sent us anything yet, you still have time to get your act together. And if you are submitting something and it's just, oh let me see, "taking a little longer than expected" — feel free to let us know what you'll be sending our way and when. We accept imaginary submissions and the idea of ideas. Oddly enough, telling us you're going to do it is the biggest step toward Actually Doing It. The rest is just execution. And yes, sometimes progress feels a bit like execution by slow, dull guillotine or an industrial revolution-era sweatshop, but more often than not we look back on the experience and think, "That was easy." Or maybe that was just the Staples commercial on in the background.
But I digress... In the spirit of those holiday spirits looming over your shoulder or in your flask, I'll get to the point. Here's what we want for Christmas [insert celebration of your choice]:
Something you've written, drawn, built, captured, or otherwise come to possess using those wily creative faculties of yours. And by creative faculty we don't mean creative writing faculty members (acquired willingly or otherwise). Those are about the only submission we won't accept. We just don't have the budget for that.
We still love photography, found art, cocktail napkins, still life, still like, and anything that can be pinned to paper or put online (or emailed to
We still love January, which is when we'll be compiling everything you sent us by December 31. I mean, ahem, Decembruary Eleventeenth Grumble Hangover Grumble. It will probably take us a few days of recovery from the holidays to open our email and face the world again, so you can consider that your unofficial extension.
But time's awastin', kiddos, so help make gravity heavy by getting your submissions to us as soon as the laws of physics allow. Gravity will not be stopped!
And if you haven't gotten your hands on a copy of Issue 1, Manifesto Destiny is now featured in stores in the Bay Area (Needles and Pins and Dog-Eared Books in SF, and Issues in Oakland). Plus, you can still get a copy directly from us, but we're down to a mere handful, so hurry fast!
May your holidays be full of gravy, and gravity too,
Sarah & Chris