WSL: Gravity lands on Thursday, June 24, and the geeks at NASA estimate it will arrive at 4232 Terrace Street, Oakland, at 7 pm. Bring your picnic blankets and those funky cereal box contraptions we used to watch eclipses as kids. Just kidding, don't bring those or everyone will laugh at you. But do bring blankets and beer for a backyard reading beneath the stars. Brilliant!
The Big Dipper's got nothing on our four featured readers, whom we've wrangled from the four corners of the earth (i.e. between the Haight and Oakland) for your entertainment and delight. They include local literary superstars Anhvu Buchanan, Monica Regan, Tavia Stewart-Streit and Andrew R. Touhy.
And there's more! Not only will our readers entertain you, but you're also invited to entertain yourselves by bringing a story, poem, rant, rave, train schedule or training manual to perform for the assembled multitudes. You'll be famous!
A suggested donation of about 10 bucks gets you in the door with a limited edition, hand-numbered copy of WSL: Gravity. Plus we're now offering We Still Like subscriptions to feed your need for local literary tomfoolery in perpetuity (more details to follow). All proceeds fuel the continued existence and expansion of the We Still Like enterprise. Soon you'll be able to see us from space!
But since we can't see you through the Internets (or can we...) please RSVP ASAP. TTYL from WSL.
WSL:Gravity, a reading under the stars HMS Readership, 4232 Terrace St, Oakland |